
  • Is A Mask Imperative Whilst Working On-Site?

    Victorians recently received the great news that the last three consecutive weeks, there have been no new Covid-19 cases. Finally, the mandatory mask-wearing rules have been changed. For the first time in month, they we will no longer need to wear masks outside at all times. View Post
  • At What Stage Does Hi-Vis Clothing Become Compulsory?

    As the name suggests "High-Visibility Clothes" is designed to provide high visibility. It helps to ensure that people can be seen properly even in the low lighting environments. You might have seen many blue-collar workers wearing bright colour T-shirts, jackets, helmets and other items of workwear; all these are for safety purposes, to help avoid an accident. View Post
  • As Victoria Reopens, Will This Mean More Or Less Construction Work Is Available?

    As Victoria is finally reopening, and Covid-19 cases are basically non-existent within the state, many businesses have now gotten back to regular production, with precautions, of course. View Post
